1. When asked how many houses he has, McCain answered "I'll have my staff get to you." Interestingly enough, McCain is the one attempting to paint Obama as elitist and out of touch, and yet McCain pays his butlers and maids a total of $270,000, $50,000 more than the median housing cost in the U.S.!
2. The U.S. and Iraq just agreed on a timetable (yes, the dreaded "T" word) for U.S. troop withdrawal. One staple of McCain's recent attacks is as follows: "Obama would rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign" because he wants to withdraw from Iraq prematurely (in his opinion). McCain can now officially be viewed in the same light as the Flat Earth Society, the Holocaust deniers and those who still believe in Bigfoot...oh wait, I thought we finally found him - whoops!
3. McCain continues to question Obama's overall judgement, saying he does not question Barack's patriotism, just his judgement. Well, let me steal a post on Digg for that one:
"When last fall he suggested bombing Pakistan if we had actionable intelligence you all laughed at him and called him an idiot. Then Bush did it. When he called for Timetables for withdrawal from Iraq (a war which we won a long time ago - we beat the Iraqi Army and Sadaam was executed- how is that a loss? It's been a civil war between Iraqi's since then) you all called him an idiot and today Condi Rice slipped into Baghdad and voila- Agreed to TIMETABLES. When Barack has been shouting for more troops in Afghanistan, you all laughed at him, but just yesterday the Pentagon sent 12,000 new troops there. It seems like Barack has pretty good judgment."
That's just three quick points I wanted to make before I left work for the weekend. I could write for an immeasurably longer period of time on this, but the upcoming conventions and VP pick (Biden?) will be more than enough fodder to fuel my upcoming posts. I shall leave you will Obama's newest ad, which, in my opinion, can't be any better: