Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Repub Rebuttals

How in the world are republican's claiming sexism is playing a part in this whole Palin fiasco? James Carville was on Larry King the other night and made a good point - how is it sexism to question the qualifications of someone running for the second highest office in the land? Wake up!

There was a McCain surrogate on Morning Joe today who said children of politicians have not been brought up in politics before 48 hours ago. Hmm...I seem to remember McCain himself making a joke about how Chelsea was the daughter of Hillary and Janet Reno. Funny how none of the hosts pointed that one out. It's also funny how the right acts all high and mighty like their shiza doesn't stink, when the actuality is that they've screwed up beyond belief. I'm 100% positive that I could do a better job running this country than McCain, Bush, Palin, or any one of those loons.

And, think about this - now that McCain is boycotting the media (what is this, 1st grade?) because he picked a woefully unprepared, inexperienced religious nut of a VP, what does this say about how he'll do with Putin or Ahmadinejad when they say things he doesn't like? Will he sit in a corner, put his ears in his ears and hold his breath until he gets his way? Grow up!!!!


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