Monday, April 7, 2008

Could be a tough week...

Well, the 2BP has been going through some personal drama these last few weeks, hence the lack of posts. I'll try to get back on a regular schedule at some point, but don't expect too many posts that set your hair on fire...I will ask that you tell someone in your family that you love them. You never know what each day might bring.

Some Thoughts:
  • I think Memphis might be able to pull it out tonight; their guard play is amazing. Rose and Douglas-Roberts are solid
  • Top Clinton strategist Mark Penn quits: wow, so much volatility in this campaign...
Well, as I was typing that last sentence, I just got a call from my Dad. Bad news...I'm out for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the 2nd Black President's mom...I love you and hang in there. The 20s can be rough but you will get through and discover your destiny. Your blog is great and I can't wait until you get back to writing. All is well and your granddad is watching over you now...