Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Lazy Sunday...

So here I am watching a boring Rockets-Spurs game on ABC and Texas-Memphis on CBS. Ugh. I'm pretty sure I stopped caring about college basketball as soon as I left college. Maybe it was the stink of my unrealized career still lingering...or perhaps when you sit down and really watch a college basketball game you see how horribly played the games actually are. When was the last time you saw back-to-back airballs in the NBA? I can't remember. I just watched a sequence in which the Texas PG DJ Augustin airballed an off-balance 3 followed by a nothing but backboard attempt from a Memphis F. Yuck. Here's some quick game analysis:

  • Memphis PG Derrick Rose absolutely owns Texas PG DJ Augustin. He's making him look silly.
  • Chris Douglas-Roberts is going to be a solid pro
  • Why Gus Johnson isn't announcing every single college game is beyond me...
  • Leftover Chinese food is horrible, yuck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't hate on college bball. At least they, unlike spoiled NBA players, try hard on each and every play. The only time you the get close to the same level of excitement in the NBA is during the playoffs. Oh, and Stephen Curry is a beast. They may have lost and the last play was horribly executed, but dropping 25 on a Kansas team, which knew that he was the only possible scorer on the team, is pretty impressive. You should give college bball a chance. I know you feel old watching the youngins, but most of the NBA players are younger than you too. Now back to "listening" to this doctor who is talking jibberish.