Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Random Thoughts and Meanderings...

Thoughts post 1 Pinot Noir, some good conversation and some alone's rambling time. Everything I'm about to write is completely unplanned and unedited. Apologies for either not making sense or being too brutally honest.

A friend told me today that he thinks life is transient up until you settle down, get married and pop out a few children. I admit being a bit depressed when confronted with his assertion and as a result, I continue to think about my life's transiency even now as I type. I look back at the past decade and yes, it has absolutely flown by. The sojourn that was my teenage years was followed by my early 20s, which has both dragged on at a Billy Madison-esque reading level and flown by at Mach 3. =But what knowledge can I glean from these years? It's hard to take one specific thing away from them, but I feel as if I learned something. But what?

At times, I think that something is an ever-growing knowledge of self. Deep introspection can be a very difficult thing if you aren't willing to be completely honest with yourself. It can be especially difficult if you don't like something about the person you find inside of you. A few years back I found something within myself that I did not like and my response was to try and drown him away with Jack Daniels. Not the best course of action, but at that time I was unequivocally not strong enough to deal with any level of negative self knowledge. How have things changed since then? Another difficult question...I tend to believe that the hard times tested me in such a way that I came out through the storm a far better man. And on that note, I'm spent...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Shady! Even Nader Can Be Bought!


Whenever this story breaks, it will be huge. Back in 2000, multiple republicans donated huge sums of money to Ralph Nader, bolstering his campaign. Wow. I'd like to say I'm surprised, but not really. Old story, but still worthwhile.

More Dirty Tactics from Hillary's Camp


Now this is ridiculous. I know Hillary is trailing in every single poll, but attempting to paint Barack as some Islamic extremist is nuts. There's several inherent problems with what she's trying to do:

1. Historically, US Presidents, Congressmen, and Government officials all dress up in the traditional dress of whichever country they are visiting. (see below)

2. Attempting to play on the country's fears of 9/11 is shameful. Invoking anti-Muslim sentiment over and over again to try and win an election is as low as Flo-rida (without the catchy hook). Haven't Muslims suffered enough in the last 7 years from politicians stereotyping a religion that preaches love based on the work of extremists who have drastically mis-read the Qur'an?

"The ink of a scholar is worth a thousand times more than the blood of a martyr." - The Prophet Muhammad

3. Not only is Hillary making herself look bad, but she is coming dangerously close to fracturing the Democratic party AND setting herself up for a defeat whenever she's up for election. People discuss her legacy and what impact going negative will have on the way people view her. I can tell you this - if she continues on this course of action, her name will forever be associated with dirty politics, fear-mongering and stereotyping all for the sake of politics.

Shame on you, Hillary! Shame on you!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bush Timeline of Terror


Take a look...Keith Olbermann certainly tells it like it is.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

No Words


Bill O'Reilly says:

"I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels"

Unbelievable. How in the world does this guy continue to have a national presence. I guess it could be somewhat my fault for actually posting this, but that's neither here nor there. I've also attached an FCC complaint form HERE

UPDATE: Here's the producer's email

By all means, send it in and reference this ASAP. Get this guy off the air!

Eject, Goose! Eject!

Thanks to Fletcher for the tip.

Only in West Virginia...


HUNTINGTON - A CSX Transportation conductor is trying to goose his employer in federal court after he was attacked by a goose in a railyard.

Aaron E. Richards filed a FELA lawsuit Feb. 4 in U.S. District Court in Huntington against CSX.

On April 23, 2005, Richards says he was working as a conductor at the Keyser Receiving Yard near Ravenswood and was performing a brake test on a CSX train.

"As plaintiff performed the required inspection, a goose which was previously known by defendant to have nested in its yard area, suddenly jumped out from under one of the railcars, striking plaintiff, and causing him to fall," the complaint states.

Richards claims his injuries were caused by the negligence of CSX.

He lists injuries as past and future pain, past and future medical treatment, loss of earnings and impairment of future earning capacity and loss of enjoyment of life.

Richards seeks damages in excess of $75,000 as well as costs and other relief. He seeks a jury trial.

Richards is represented by Huntington attorney W. Michael Frazier and William Kvas of the Minneapolis law firm of Hunegs, LeNeave & Kvas. The case has been assigned to Judge Robert C. Chambers.

Obama as Commander-in-Chief


Explain to me again why people are having reservations believing Barack Obama can be a successful commander-in-chief? He took heat for advocating the exact same course of action last year. Low and behold a few months later our current administration takes the EXACT same course of action. Amazing.

It's also funny how they criticize Barack and his views on foreign policy. Why have an open discussion with Iran? Why talk with Russia? I ask you this - what can be gained by not talking with our so-called enemies? Maybe if we would have talked with Iraq we would have realized that they did not, in fact, have WMDs and in turn, did not enter a war on false pretenses. Wake up, America! It's time for change!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama's Blueprint for Change

Barack Obama's Blueprint for Change

Everyone take a look at some of what Barack has to offer. The more I read the more I love. I fully believe that Barack knows what's right for this country. Which other candidate would allow the public to look at every bill passed in Congress before signing it? Which other candidate would put an end to no-bid government contracts, ending the reign of the Halliburtons' and Blackwaters' of the world. Who else would fight to bring back Arts and Sciences in schools instead of having students learn simply to pass standardized tests? Our nation is at a crossroads and Barack is the only one with a GPS. Make the right choice!

Random Musings after President's Day

I want to apologize to Mr. Silver for not satisfying his thirst for daily reading material. I decided to take President's Day weekend off and concentrate on celebrating our former Presidents with a bottle of Jack and lots of dozing off on the couch. President's Day is an interesting holiday - I fully understand and acknowledge the impact (both positive and negative *COUGH George Bush!) that all presidents have had throughout history. That being said, it's interesting how some companies choose to give their employees President's Day but not MLK's birthday off, and vice versa. Who decides what should be an "official" holiday versus a "floating" holiday? Some kind of council of Fortune 500 HR execs who meet each year in Bermuda sipping daiquiris, sporting t-shirt tan (burn) lines and hitting on the 16 year old towel girl? I really don't know. I submit that we come up with a new national holiday; something that epitomizes where we are as a country today. This could be good or bad. Here's a few examples from the top of the dome:

- National Overeating Day: This is great because we could just go ahead and replace Thanksgiving for what it really is - a day to eat so much you have a hard time not defecating all over yourself after your fourth portion of turkey and mashed potatoes.

- Large SUV Day: On this day, we will commemorate the first time a soccer mom in a Chevy Suburban backed into a parked car while "lugging" her one child and groceries in the back. And wasting a gallon of gas in the process.

- Screw Over/Stereotype a Minority Day: Ever wanted to really stick it to DaQuon, that wily associate over in marketing? Today's your day! You could pass over a well qualified Hispanic man for a promotion, talk "jive" to your Colored, I mean Negro, I mean Black friend or offer some cup o' noodles to your Asian roommate in exchange for some help on a math problem. Wait, that's everyday!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

Now it's your turn - any ideas for a new holiday? Let's hear them!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

WTF is the NAACP doing with itself?


For those who aren't up to date with this story, the NAACP Chairman, Julian Bond, is pushing to have the delegates from Michigan and Florida counted towards the democratic race. This is wrong on a few levels - the DNC warned every state very clearly that there would be repercussions if any state moved their primary up. To paraphrase Top Gun, Michigan and Florida knew the rules and they broke them. Why shouldn't they suffer the consequences? In kindergarten we learned that we would be placed in timeout when we acted up. Those two states are getting exactly what they deserve. And no, I'm not saying this because I'm a Barack supporter, but because I'm a rational person that understands that you get punished when you break the rules (I know this all too well). So to close, I'm The 2nd Black President and go f*%@ yourself, Mr. Bond.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

After This Commercial Break...

The 2nd Black Prez has been busy doing taxes, but he shall return! Items to discuss:

- Obama now the frontrunner in the POTUS race

- J.Kidd to the Mavs

- More V-Day Ramblings

- Some other random ish...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Guest Columnist - "Eating Chicken With Amerie"

Alright everyone, here's the first of hopefully many guest contributions. Some good stuff here from an old college buddy...enjoy!

I told folks I’d write about women this week.
So I’m the ghost pen on the pad and the guest voice on the beat.
Know that I mean every word you’re about to read.
One man, many women, same story, common theme:

Chicken … More or Less.

The more I thought about the whole situation.
The less I cared. You see, the more I tried to bring myself to the table in a truthful and open manner, the less I got from you in return. Moreso, the less you cared. So what did I do? I gave you more of what you asked for. Less attention. More space.

But when I gave you more space. The less I cared about Us in the long run. More of my future plans were turned into to less emotion toward women in general. And of course… it worked like magic (unintentionally). Well, more or less that is. Because the less I gave a flying cow about any one woman, the more they saw fit to notice me! Little ole me. So what am I stuck with now…? More women than I could care to deal with, less money than I’d care to be left with. More phone calls, text messages, dates and ‘mornings after’ moments. Less feeling, optimism, taste, and time. You see… when you start to get into the same routine, make the same call (to a different person) every night, eat at the same lunch time diner every week for your lunch dates… all the meals start to taste the same… more or less like chicken.

Ego Tripping.

A misguided individual would view self-confidence, self-awareness, pride in self’s work, and knowledge of self as arrogance.
An insecure individual would enjoy belittling another’s intelligence only to feel more valued in his/her own accomplishments or rhetoric.
A selfish individual would label someone steadfast in his or her convictions and true to themselves as a non-cooperative and ‘difficult’ person.
An immature individual would take kindness, sincerity, and patience lightly.

So… If being confident in my abilities, being aware of my strengths and weaknesses, taking pride in my work, speaking intelligently, being steadfast and true to myself and my desires in life (not yours), and trying to be kind, patient and truthful with all people that I deal enables me to be labeled as stubborn, difficult, and a big headed arrogant asshole while being undervalued… well then I’ll be just that. From now on, it’s quite all right to call me a stubborn, difficult, bigheaded arrogant asshole. And sweetie, you want to know something? I’ll be all of that while I skip out of my office on my way to Ginger’s to meet this week’s date. We’ll just call her “Amerie” for now. She’ll probably order the veggie egg rolls because she’s a vegetarian. Me… I’ll have the pork and noodles. But truthfully, it tastes more less like chicken. And that’s just me. Steady Ego Tripping.

Songs of the week: To be downloaded with the utmost immediacy.
1. True Life – Jay –Z
2. Flashing Lights – Colin Munroe
3. Make It Rain – Usher
4. Weerdo – Hollyweerd
5. I’m a G – Lil Keke ft. Birdman
6. Why You Hate The Game – Game ft. Nas
7. Sensual Seduction – Snoop.

My next entry to be titled The Real World According to Sexy Albert; Why All the Best Things In Life Begin With the Letter ‘S’.

Sexy Albert – my poet alter ego. Similar to that of a rapper’s alter ego … ergo Ghostface’s Pretty Tony.

Matty the Blogger. Out.

One last thing… For everybody that like’s to leave those little inspirational quotes at the bottom of your emails, here’s a lil something for you.

“if ya’ll done living like that, then allow me to introduce you to… tru life.”

From a Special Guest Contributer


Donate $5.01 to Barack TODAY!


We all want change in Washington. Given the name of this blog, I make no secret in believing that Barack Obama is the person to do that. Donate $5.01 TODAY and let the world know that we want the US to change for the better!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sprewell is Effed


MILWAUKEE -- Former NBA star Latrell Sprewell's home is up for foreclosure and his yacht sold at auction to help pay off the $1.3 million he owes on the boat, according to court filings.

Sprewell, who once turned down a three-year,$21 million contract extension saying, "I've got my family to feed," has apparently fallen on tough times.

RBS Citizens NA, or Citizens Bank, filed a foreclosure suit last week in Milwaukee County for the $405,000 home Sprewell bought in the Milwaukee suburb of River Hills in 1994.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Hold Tight, Great Story for Everyone...

What a night! I have a fantastic story that I will tell at some point tomorrow...all you have to know is that I got a knife pulled on me tonight...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Some Afternoon Thoughts...

1. After listening to The Cool so much yesterday, I haven't listened to a single Lupe song once...could I be growing tired of the effervescent, positive hip hop that is Lupe Fiasco? I have Young Buck blasting right now, so maybe that answers that question...
2. Jay-Z is starting ANOTHER record label for talent he discovers (because that Memphis Bleek thing really payed dividens).
3. A certain Manny Santana (you know who you are) has informed me that the next time he sees a certain Danjuma he's going to punch him in the face just for the fun of it.
4. I just read this thing that said "Happiness is a sad song". WTF sense does that make?

Peace! And NO Love to You!

Mitt Bows Out

Looks like Mitt is Audi 5000 - Mr. Romney wasn't going to win anyway. The Politician formally known as McCain has all but wrapped up the Elephant nomination...

Some Random Thoughts...

5 thoughts after working 14 hours today...

1. Who knew Hillary's campaign would be broke so early in the year?
2. I know they get horrible gas mileage and might not be "green", but I'm a big fan of the Jeep Wrangler - every time I see one I think of Clint Eastwood, cigarettes and hunting black bears (man stuff).
3. I really miss skipping class to play basketball for several hours straight followed by 2 or 3 32 oz Gatorade.
4. My man crush on Lupe Fiasco is crescendo-ing to its apex after listening to The Cool twice today (Hip Hop Saved My Life is classic).

And finally...

5. I don't know where my hairline is going, but I'm going to keep chasing it as long as I have the stamina!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Obama wins more states AND delegates!

How is it that none of the major news outlets aren't reporting this?


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Georgia Power!

Props to my home state for voting for Obama!!!!!

Fox News at it again...

While Fox awards Huckabee a huge banner celebrating his win in West Virginia (where?), directly below him there are 5 negative news stories on either Obama or Clinton and NONE on any republican candidate. I know Fox gets called on on this kind of BS, but I felt the need to vent...


Call the Waaaahhhh-mbulance!

Boo hoo, Paris. Boo Hoo.

Maybe next time you shouldn't drop the N-word on camera a boatload of times.

Michael Jackson is at it again!

Baby Drop

"Baby hurled from blazing flat out of third-floor window is caught by policeman"

*Wow - Must have been tough for the parents to drop their kid like that. I hope the parents made it out ok...


Everyone get out there and vote - in order for me to become the 2nd Black President there has to be a 1st!

Zales Can Get Turked by a Syphilitic Bear

That's right, the title's passive English, I don't give a damn. Valentine's Day is a load of crap too - why don't you just make everyday fun and special if you're in a relationship? Why buy cards and flowers and candy and go to a nice dinner or adopt a three-legged puppy to impress a girl? These are all hypothetical questions because we all know the true answer: vah-jean.

Here's another thing - the diamond industry says spend 3 months' salary on an engagement ring? That's a load of crap! They just to give everyone a reference point and rob them blind by withholding the supply of diamonds! And if I learned one thing from Blood Diamond it's that Djimon Hounsou didn't escape from those Sierra Leone diamond mines to date Kimora Lee Simmons for nothing...nevermind the whole Leo DiCaprio thing, I haven't figured out that connection yet. And now I'm rambling. Back to the New Adventures of Old Christine...I mean basketball! Basketball!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Anchorm - I mean Semi-Pro

Will Ferrell Bud Light Commercial - Watch more free videos

Getting Started

So here it attempt at entertaining the masses through the already well played-out art of blogging. I'm planning to tackle a plethora of subjects ranging from women to politics to sports to whatever is entertaining to me that day (websites, random news stories, work stuff, etc.). I encourage feedback and discussion in the comments section. To start this thing off right, here's a few sites/stories I enjoyed reading today:


Barack O'Drama! - Tomorrow's a big day!


Vick Ish - A win for Team Vick (if there's anyone left on it)