Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Obama's Blueprint for Change

Barack Obama's Blueprint for Change

Everyone take a look at some of what Barack has to offer. The more I read the more I love. I fully believe that Barack knows what's right for this country. Which other candidate would allow the public to look at every bill passed in Congress before signing it? Which other candidate would put an end to no-bid government contracts, ending the reign of the Halliburtons' and Blackwaters' of the world. Who else would fight to bring back Arts and Sciences in schools instead of having students learn simply to pass standardized tests? Our nation is at a crossroads and Barack is the only one with a GPS. Make the right choice!


Anonymous said...

I really like your quote, "Our nation is at a crossroads and Barack is the only one with a GPS". Is that a 2nd Black President original, sir???

The 2nd Black President said...

It sure is. I'm glad you liked that. Took me all of 2 seconds to come up with. The 2BP does not play around when it comes to the English language!