Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Lazy Sunday...

So here I am watching a boring Rockets-Spurs game on ABC and Texas-Memphis on CBS. Ugh. I'm pretty sure I stopped caring about college basketball as soon as I left college. Maybe it was the stink of my unrealized career still lingering...or perhaps when you sit down and really watch a college basketball game you see how horribly played the games actually are. When was the last time you saw back-to-back airballs in the NBA? I can't remember. I just watched a sequence in which the Texas PG DJ Augustin airballed an off-balance 3 followed by a nothing but backboard attempt from a Memphis F. Yuck. Here's some quick game analysis:

  • Memphis PG Derrick Rose absolutely owns Texas PG DJ Augustin. He's making him look silly.
  • Chris Douglas-Roberts is going to be a solid pro
  • Why Gus Johnson isn't announcing every single college game is beyond me...
  • Leftover Chinese food is horrible, yuck!

Monday, March 24, 2008

I Know, I Know...

I promised an editorial. I'm getting there. I was going to write about the crock that is today's justice system but then I got through one draft and hated every word. That took my confidence a bit... so anyway, go here.

This will tide you over until I figure out what I'm going to write about...


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

2BP Editorial Coming Tonight...

I have some random thoughts and musing to touch upon later tonight along with a quick list of interesting links to check out. Check back in a few hours...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Save the Endangered Letter "S".

Guest poet Matty the Blogger sends to us this expose from his alter ego's (Sexy Albert) memoirs. Enjoy Responsibly.

Ms. Badu’s ‘Telephone’ is ringing in my head. My glass of rum smoothly flows. Sip fast… and read slow.

If you receive this blindly, it’s because I wanted to… Well at least in my mind, uphold the last bit of integrity you might associate to me. Lest I see your reaction and face the reality that… it just isn’t so.

Without any more riddles or rhymes, schemes… or wasted time… let me reveal what these lines are meant to show. I need you. I need you to need me. I need you to need me but not to speak to me. Dream of me, but keep to yourself what you think of me. For if you reveal what you think… if you let go of that truth… well then we’ll both be in trouble.

For you see, I’m too high in my own sky to rise any higher or to an occasion that requires you being saved and me being the savior. Oddly, my only desire with you is to let the natural transpire. But … I… Wait…I’m sorry. Let me start at the beginning. That day… That night… whenever it was you might have maybe possibly seen, in me, the person of whom you daydream. That was not me. You see, I showed you the man you wanted to see. But that wasn’t for you. That was for me. And now, well now my makeup is running, and this mask is falling apart, my costume is off, and I just don’t have the heart to play that part anymore. So now, you see me. And this is not for me, this is for you.

So you see me now. This is me. Look at me. Here I am. I know the man in front of you is frightening… but yet still you feel his inviting gaze tantalizing and talking to your senses… telling them to “Stand Up… and Come To!”

See me.
See me Struggle.
See me Pray.

I prayed,

Thank you. I’m blessed. And now that that’s out of the way let me complain to you about this burden on my chest. Blah Blah Blah and, you’re God, so of course you know the rest. Make me The Man! Nah… Make me The Shit! So, I won’t have to be stressed and maybe I can talk to you a little less.”

Now what you just saw was very simple but you thought it complex. Standing, scratching your head as you appear vexed. Perplexed. Wondering, “How could he? Did he just? He must know that he was talking to God, while still he is only mortal, feeble flesh!”

And yes.

This is true. You are correct. But I told you earlier to keep your comments inside, bottled up and pressed. I’m fully aware of my outward arrogance, but what you don’t see is the man looking to God to find his way. The letter looking for its place in the alphabet.

And when you weren’t looking… he gave me the letter “S”.

At Six I woke.
Seven… I Snacked.
And in my day, I took a
Showered… With my Smell good and my Sex appeal
I Sensed a Spectacular day. Start to finish it did not disappoint. And so, the days go.
At some points, I Sat and Stared at the Stallions in full Stance in front of me.
At others, I Supplement those Sinful Sodomites for Salad Bites with Stephanie from marketing on the 10th floor. And after Supper… well I’d Shit, Shave, then Shower… and well.. there’d definitely be some Sex. Sucking on her Succulent nipples, lips, and neck.

And then

I’d snack, and subdued while smoking my cigarette, I’d relax.

See… Simple Simons may not see the beauty in that day and the days like it… but I do. And when instead of the outing or occasion with the crew, I prefer to stay at home and rendezvous with this brew, well its because… I do.

You see, I didn’t get:

Or Stuck in traffic on the L.I.E.

And no I wasn’t:

Or Sad
Simply glad that I was not infected with an S.T.D.

No, none of that was me. Only the Satisfying “S” answerd my prayer. And to the oint of it…

“What does it have to do with me?” You might ask.

And I’ll respond:

“See honey, the only part of my days that have anything to do with you is the Sex… and well… truthfully… I’m learning to be pretty me-sufficient… And I mean that to say… I wish you life, love, and health… but for now, I’ll do it all by my motherfucking self.”

We need each other black people. I only wish I could’ve shared this with a girl named Beverly before my makeup wore off and she saw me. She was good to me… even after she saw under my disguise.

Grandma, tell Jesus not to forget about me when you meet him. And Say “hello” to Albert & Vernell please.

Tracy Morgan Responding to Tina Fey

"Bitch may be the new black, but black is the new president, bitch."


Who would have thought that Tracy Morgan would provide intelligent insight on anything except reefer and strip clubs?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Great Map


A fantastic map of the area codes in which Ludacris has hoes...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some Facts

How about this - about 14% of the electorate is comprised of Black voters. The remaining 86% is split between Whites, Asians, Hispanics and others. Since the majority of Hispanics are voting for Hillary, that means that Barack is winning the majority of the White vote. Why is the media focusing only on facts like Obama winning 91% of the Black vote in Mississippi? I think we all know the answer to that, but don't you think it's pretty remarkable that Barack Hussein Obama is winning the majority of the White vote? I know I do, but it's interesting that none of the media does...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Olbermann's Comment on Clinton

No Words, Pt. II


"...On Tuesday afternoon, I witnessed a superhuman act of strength. We were gathered inside the West Angeles Cathedral on Crenshaw Boulevard, a mammoth facility with a balcony and video screens that's like a concert hall crossed with a place of the Lord. Only a few funerals each month happen here, mostly for Los Angeles celebrities and people with ties to the church. For Johnnie Cochrane's funeral two years ago, every one of the cathedral's 5,000 seats was famously filled. It's the type of place you wouldn't expect to see a 17-year-old kid lying peacefully in a coffin, not unless he was related to a singer or a politician or something. But that's who was there, and that's who we came to see..."

RIP Jamiel Andre Shaw II

When will we stop killing each other?

Sinbad PWNS Hillary


Sinbad Unloads on Hillary Clinton

Finally, the Barack Obama campaign has found a big gun to help shoot down Hillary Rodham Clinton's self-proclaimed foreign policy experience. And he may be the wackiest gun of all: Sinbad, the actor, who has come out from under a rock to defend Obama in the war over foreign policy credentials.

Sinbad, along with singer Sheryl Crow, was on that 1996 trip to Bosnia that Clinton has described as a harrowing international experience that makes her tested and ready to answer a 3 a.m. phone call at the White House on day one, a claim for which she's taking much grief on the campaign trail.

Harrowing? Not that Sinbad recalls. He just remembers it being a USO tour to buck up the troops amid a much worse situation than he had imagined between the Bosnians and Serbs.

In an interview with the Sleuth Monday, he said the "scariest" part of the trip was wondering where he'd eat next. "I think the only 'red-phone' moment was: 'Do we eat here or at the next place.'"

Clinton, during a late December campaign appearance in Iowa, described a hair-raising corkscrew landing in war-torn Bosnia, a trip she took with her then-teenage daughter, Chelsea. "They said there might be sniper fire," Clinton said.

Threat of bullets? Sinbad doesn't remember that, either.

"I never felt that I was in a dangerous position. I never felt being in a sense of peril, or 'Oh, God, I hope I'm going to be OK when I get out of this helicopter or when I get out of his tank.'"

In her Iowa stump speech, Clinton also said, "We used to say in the White House that if a place is too dangerous, too small or too poor, send the First Lady."

Say what? As Sinbad put it: "What kind of president would say, 'Hey, man, I can't go 'cause I might get shot so I'm going to send my wife...oh, and take a guitar player and a comedian with you.'"

As you may have guessed by now, Sinbad isn't supporting Clinton for president. He's an Obama guy. All because of Clinton.

"What got me about Hillary was her attitude of entitlement, like he messed up her plan, like he had no reason to be there," Sinbad said. "I got angry. I actually got angry! I said, 'I will be for Obama like never before.'"

But he's less ticked off with the Clinton campaign than he is with Saturday Night Live for its Hillary-loving sketches that portray Obama as an unqualified nervous Nelly. What really bothers him is SNL's choice of actor (Fred Armisen) to play Obama.

"My problem is -- you couldn't just temporarily hire a black man to play Obama? You had to put a white man in a black face? You couldn't find a light-skinned brother to play Obama?"

The Clinton campaign doesn't seem amused by Sinbad's commentary or his recollection of the 1996 Bosnia trip as more depressing than harrowing.

Defending Clinton's characterization of her Bosnia mission, campaign spokesman Phil Singer kindly provided experts from news stories written about the trip at the time, including a Washington Post story from May 26, 1996, that said, "This trip to Bosnia marks the first time since Roosevelt that a first lady has voyaged to a potential combat zone."

Singer also cited a Kansas City Star article from September 2000 that quoted Sinbad as describing the situation in Bosnia as "so tense. It was Crips and Bloods." (And that's how Sinbad continued to characterize the situation in our interview Monday. He said, "At the time, we didn't realize how crazy it was between the Bosnians and the Serbs. I didn't realize how much hate was going on.")

Still, defending Clinton against Sinbad the refuter, Singer said, "The sad reality of what was going on in Bosnia at the time Senator Clinton traveled there as first lady has been well documented. It appears that Sinbad's experience in Bosnia goes back further than Senator Obama's does. In fact, has Senator Obama ever been to Bosnia?"

Snarky, snarky!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spitzer, et al

So, quite the interesting last few days:

Gov. Spitzer gets tagged for tagging prostitutes 7 or 8 times.

Houston Rockets win 19 straight.

Pete Sampras, 36, loses a very competitive match to Roger Federer, 26.

I FINALLY get the dinero to get my Jeep. Fuck you very much BoA and Capital One.

Future-President (knocks on wood) Obama widens his delegate lead with wins in Wyoming and Mississippi (knocks on wood again).

A new study shows that 1 in 4 teenage girls have an STD (WHAAAAA?).

Additonally, I will be on a business trip from next Sunday through Tuesday in the city that once was, New Orleans. I'll try and take copious notes and provide a thrilling account of my time down south. Hopefully I'll have some stories involving, beads, beignets, lack of clothing (not me), and lots of great food. Back soon.


Friday, March 7, 2008

What Foreign Policy Experience?

So Hillary has been boasting about all of her foreign policy "experience". Just how "experienced" is she? Let's site the Chicago Tribune and CNN for some examples:

"Pressed in a CNN interview this week for specific examples of foreign policy experience that has prepared her for an international crisis, Clinton claimed that she "helped to bring peace" to Northern Ireland and negotiated with Macedonia to open up its border to refugees from Kosovo. She also cited "standing up" to the Chinese government on women's rights and a one-day visit she made to Bosnia following the Dayton peace accords.

Earlier in the campaign, she and her husband claimed that she had advocated on behalf of a U.S. military intervention in Rwanda to stop the genocide there.

But her involvement in the Northern Ireland peace process was primarily to encourage activism among women's groups there, a contribution that the lead U.S. negotiator described as "helpful" but that an Irish historian who has written extensively about the conflict dismissed as "ancillary" to the peace process.

The Macedonian government opened its border to refugees the day before Clinton arrived to meet with government leaders. And her mission to Bosnia was a one-day visit in which she was accompanied by performers Sheryl Crow and Sinbad, as well as her daughter, Chelsea, according to the commanding general who hosted her.

Whatever her private conversations with the president may have been, key foreign policy officials say that a U.S. military intervention in Rwanda was never considered in the Clinton administration's policy deliberations. Despite lengthy memoirs by both Clintons and former Secretary of State and UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright, any advice she gave on Rwanda had not been mentioned until her presidential campaign." - LINK

Now, it seems to me like Hillary has inflated her record on most things from Heathcare to Education, but this really caught my eye. And having already "been in the White House" and experienced the political process, she has to be the best candidate, right? Well I ask this, would you feel comfortable with a nurse performing brain surgery on you just because she's assisted a doctor in a few surgeries?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's Time for the Birdman to Fly


Shoutout to Montego8...HE'S BACK!!

The Morning After...


So here we are, the morning after...I feel a bit unsatisfied. Like a quickie. Used and just thrown away. I'm speaking about last nights election results, of course. I was hoping that there could be some sort of resolution, but Hillary, despite her having no possibility of winning, insists in staying in the race. Not to mention she floated the idea of sharing a ticket with HER as the Prez...ugh. Ok that's enough venting, now let's talk about a much more important issue.


Now I'm sure you all have seen this. Some messed up Marine threw a puppy off a cliff. Don't laugh, this is serious stuff. I mean, this one puppy is waaaay more important than this statistic. I'm so happy the media decided to throw all of their resources into covering the death of this poor, poor puppy when over half a million civilians have lost their lives from this "war".

Sarcasm aside, how messed up are we as a people that we care more about a puppy than the deaths of half a million civilians? That's the disgusting part, not some jackass who gets off from killing a puppy (if the video was real). Let me know what you all think...what's also interesting is how up in arms people were over the Michael Vick thing when PETA killed over 85% of the animals it took in. Nuts.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Take Note, Gentlemen


Man punched over urinal etiquette

A New Zealander ended up in court after punching a man over a breach of urinal etiquette.

Edward Aldridge, 47, punched his victim twice after he used the urinal next to him in a pub in Christchurch.

Aldridge accused his victim of looking at him, reports Metro.

Speaking in his defence, counsel Liz Bulger said: "This incident arose from what I understand to be urinal etiquette.

"When the victim spoke to the defendant he was effectively smirking. The defendant was outraged."

Sentencing Aldridge to 50 hours of community service, Judge Raoul Neave said: "This is exactly the sort of behaviour that makes people afraid to go to town."

New Week, Fresh Start

Big weekend for the 2BP - sold the car, sold the motorcycle....One step closer to financial freedom, I suppose. That being said, I'm pretty sad that the bike is gone. The feeling of riding a motorcycle really is indescribable (sorry for the cliche). I've also been a bit under the weather with some cold/flu/bronchitis combination, I never really can tell the difference. I'll come back strong with reaction on tomorrow's voting results. It's a big day for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Let's hope that whatever the results are tomorrow, they are clear and without question. Could be the last hurrah for Clinton.

I'll be picking up my next car this weekend (hopefully Capital One cooperates) so I'll also have some pictures and perhaps video from my exploits with the Wrangler. Also, I want to start a poll for potential names...I've had Veronica, Claudia and a few others, but since this is an American car, it has to be a strong name that elicits chopping wood, exploring, conquering foreign allies and chasing the American Dream...

I've attached a photo of the Jeep, so I'll take some nominations for names and then put them up in a poll...the winner will be announced sometime next week!
