Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Morning After...


So here we are, the morning after...I feel a bit unsatisfied. Like a quickie. Used and just thrown away. I'm speaking about last nights election results, of course. I was hoping that there could be some sort of resolution, but Hillary, despite her having no possibility of winning, insists in staying in the race. Not to mention she floated the idea of sharing a ticket with HER as the Prez...ugh. Ok that's enough venting, now let's talk about a much more important issue.


Now I'm sure you all have seen this. Some messed up Marine threw a puppy off a cliff. Don't laugh, this is serious stuff. I mean, this one puppy is waaaay more important than this statistic. I'm so happy the media decided to throw all of their resources into covering the death of this poor, poor puppy when over half a million civilians have lost their lives from this "war".

Sarcasm aside, how messed up are we as a people that we care more about a puppy than the deaths of half a million civilians? That's the disgusting part, not some jackass who gets off from killing a puppy (if the video was real). Let me know what you all think...what's also interesting is how up in arms people were over the Michael Vick thing when PETA killed over 85% of the animals it took in. Nuts.



Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud at work when I saw that dog thing! Did you hear the sound it made? HAHAHAHAA!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's a well known fact that Americans care more about their pets than they care about other people. They would run in a burning house for a pet before they would do the same for another human being. Vick should've listened to me. I told him to leave the dogs alone and do a little anal spelunking with a random white chick.

The 2nd Black President said...

Oh Kobe, will you ever learn? But yes, people do car more about dogs than people...but damn, almost a million dead and people still don't care. It really makes me mad.

And AZ, I can unofficially say that I officially did not laugh when the puppy did the original Superman.