Wednesday, March 12, 2008

No Words, Pt. II


"...On Tuesday afternoon, I witnessed a superhuman act of strength. We were gathered inside the West Angeles Cathedral on Crenshaw Boulevard, a mammoth facility with a balcony and video screens that's like a concert hall crossed with a place of the Lord. Only a few funerals each month happen here, mostly for Los Angeles celebrities and people with ties to the church. For Johnnie Cochrane's funeral two years ago, every one of the cathedral's 5,000 seats was famously filled. It's the type of place you wouldn't expect to see a 17-year-old kid lying peacefully in a coffin, not unless he was related to a singer or a politician or something. But that's who was there, and that's who we came to see..."

RIP Jamiel Andre Shaw II

When will we stop killing each other?

1 comment:

Matty said...

My Good Friend... the penman of the West. Tis your faithful friend Matty the Blogger.

After a short hiatus from that which is known as the internet, I'm back. I've read every post and "me-likey". Excellent work scholar. Award winning journalism. I feel the writer's block loosening its choking grip around my fingers and the blood beginning to rush back into my brain... which is also located in my fingertips.

I particulary enjoyed the Sinbad commentary and Video Post Re: comments on Hillary.

epic postings looming... stay tuned. topic... why the best things in life start with the letter 'S'.