Bill O'Reilly says:
"I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels"
Unbelievable. How in the world does this guy continue to have a national presence. I guess it could be somewhat my fault for actually posting this, but that's neither here nor there. I've also attached an FCC complaint form HERE
UPDATE: Here's the producer's email
By all means, send it in and reference this ASAP. Get this guy off the air!
Oh lawd…I knew sooner or later Michelle would be stigmatized as just another angry black woman, LOL!
Like Obama, Michelle represents an agent for change, in both her speech and actions. I think many Americans would agree that this country (or rather, how it’s currently run) is flawed in a lot of respects. This thesis is what compelled Obama to run for President in the first place…. …his whole campaign / movement is predicated on bringing to fruition “change we can believe in.” I don’t know if Michelle actually said that America is bad but if that’s the way she feels, she’s entitled to her opinion…
I wouldn’t go as far to say that Bill O'Reilly needs to go off the air because of this. I mean, he does have his freedom of speech rights and his nationally syndicated radio show is his forum to express his political views, however wack or conservative they may be. To be clear, I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with anything O’Reilly has said....most of which has borderline racist undertones. But I don’t think this specific lynching comment would meet the obscene / indecent / profane broadcasts threshold. He basically conveyed to his listeners that they need to be fair and put everything in context first instead of passing judgment…which I believe is the right approach.'re really naive if you think the pseudo-positive context of his comment wasn't simply contrived as something he and his shitbag producer could hide behind, once people catch on. No one ever said lynching before this. It's (apparently)slyly implanting very forceful/violent language in the national conversation, without getting heat for it.
I hear ya, Adnan. What I was trying to put out there and I guess didn't articulate well, is that O'Reilly strategically laced his comment in a PC way so he can't and won't get fired or suspended for it...he and his shock jock peers (e.g., Imus) have learned from the backlash received as a result of previous quasi-racist commentary in the in order to be able to continue with his rhetoric what he said and how he said it was the "right" approach.
Oh. Umm..yes! Agreed!
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