Thursday, February 14, 2008

WTF is the NAACP doing with itself?


For those who aren't up to date with this story, the NAACP Chairman, Julian Bond, is pushing to have the delegates from Michigan and Florida counted towards the democratic race. This is wrong on a few levels - the DNC warned every state very clearly that there would be repercussions if any state moved their primary up. To paraphrase Top Gun, Michigan and Florida knew the rules and they broke them. Why shouldn't they suffer the consequences? In kindergarten we learned that we would be placed in timeout when we acted up. Those two states are getting exactly what they deserve. And no, I'm not saying this because I'm a Barack supporter, but because I'm a rational person that understands that you get punished when you break the rules (I know this all too well). So to close, I'm The 2nd Black President and go f*%@ yourself, Mr. Bond.


Matty said...

Nice One Mr. 2nd President Sir!

The 2nd Black President said...

Thank you, sir. When's your next contribution coming?